Saturday, October 8, 2011


The king lurks about the jungle
Upon the trampled brush, beneath the Macaw
Somehow the leopard rests in mud

Heirs of scapegoats
Pass as missionary
Victims bearing wood
Storytelling to the aborigine

Sulking is the jackal
Patrolling the plains
Roughshod over terrain
Territories made for ticks and mites

Symmetrically scoping the vast beyond
A safari treks all day long
Draining canteen, the driver eyes the count
Thinking, “soon it may come to that”

That leopard’s got a spot of blood
And the Hyena turns,
Laughing at the love


  1. Nice how this can refer to the jungle or the way of life. Seems to be a thin line between those that rule the jungle and those that think they should rule the country.

  2. Pat, yeah a thin line definitely exists between most things. Especially the last idea you mentioned there, very true. Thanks again
