Magazines I Currently Subscribe To:
1. How- Design, Art, Creativity Pricy but A +
2. Print- Design, Type, Creativity Pricy but A +
3. Poets and Writers
4. The Hollywood Reporter- All things Film
5. Fast Company- Business with a slant toward the Creative
6. Inc.- Business, Startups etc..
7. The Writer
8. Writer's Digest
9. Script- Screenwriting etc..
10. Backstage-acting, drama, theatre
Magazines/Publications I pick up from time to time:
1. Investors Business Daily- Stocks, Business trends
2. Smithsonian- History, Science and the arts
3. Communication Arts- Copy, Advertising etc..
4. Psychology Today
5. Wired
6. Random Art Magazines
7. Consumer Reports
8. Random Computing/Video Game Magazines
9. Random Food/Recipe/Cooking Related Magazines
10. Random Poetry Journals
Acting Books
1. No Acting Please- Eric Morris
2. Being & Doing- Eric Morris
3. Irreverent Acting- Eric Morris
4. Acting From the Ultimate Consciousness- Eric Morris
5. Acting, Imaging and the Unconscious- Eric Morris
6. Freeing The Actor- Eric Morris
7. An Actor Prepares- Constantin Stanislavski
8. Acting for the Camera- Tony Barr
9. The Power of the Actor- Ivana Chubbuck
10. A Vision of The Craft- Howard Fine
11. The Intent to Live- Larry Moss
12. The 8 Characters of Comedy- Scott Sedita (Screenwriting & Acting)
13. A Challenge for the Actor- Uta Hagen
14. Secrets From The Casting Couch- Nancy Bishop (+ Auditioning)
15. Actions, The Actors' Thesaurus- M. Caldarone/M. Lloyd-Williams
Acting (Movement, Voice, Craft, Breathing, Centering etc…)
1. Freeing The Natural Voice- Kristin Linklater
2. The Lucid Body- Fay Simpson
3. The Second Circle- Patsy Rodenburg
4. Awareness Through Movement- Moshe Feldenkrais
5. Movement For Actors- Edited by Nicole Potter
6. How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live- Missy Vineyard
Screenwriting Books
1. Story- Robert McKee
2. Save The Cat- Blake Snyder
3. Save The Cat Strikes Back- Blake Snyder
4. The Writer's Journey- Christopher Vogler
5. The Art Of Dramatic Writing- Lajos Egri
6. Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters- Michael Tierno
7. Psychology For Screenwriters- William Indick
8. Ride The Alligator- Pen Densham
9. My Story Can Beat Up Your Story- Jeffrey Alan Schechter
10. The Anatomy Of Story- John Truby
11. Writing Dialogue For Scripts- Rib Davis
12. Rewrite- Paul Chitlik
13. Screenwriting Tips: You Hack- Xander Bennett
14. Screenplay- Syd Field
15. Now Write- Edited by Sherry Ellis
16. Essentials of Screenwriting- Richard Walter
17. How to Build a Great Screenplay- David Howard
18. The Tools of Screenwriting- David Howard & Edward Mabley
19. Writing Screenplays That Sell- Michael Hauge
20. Screenplay Story Analysis- Asher Garfinkel- (Coverage)
Directing/Film Industry
1. Film Directors Intuition- Judith Weston
2. Directing Actors- Judith Weston
3. Directors Tell The Story- Bethany Rooney/Mary Lou Belli
4. Film Directing: Shot By Shot- Steven d. Katz
1. Now Write: Fiction- Edited by Sherry Ellis
2. Now Write: Non-Fiction- Edited by Sherry Ellis
3. Now Write: Mysteries- Edited By Sherry Ellis
4. 20 Master Plots- Ronald Tobias
5. 45 Master Characters- Victoria Lynn Schmidt
6. Writer's Guide to Character Traits- Linda Edelstein
7. Elements of Style- Strunk & White
8. Naming the World- Edited by Brett Anthony Johnston
9. Self Editing For Fiction Writers- Renni Browne/Dave king
10. On Writing Well- William Zinsser
11. The Book of Poisons- S. Stevens/A. Bannon-(Writers Reference)
1. Thinkertoys- Michael Michalko
2. Disciplined Dreaming- Josh Linkner
3. The Creative Habit- Twyla Tharp
4. Your Creative Brain- Shelley Carson
5. A Whole New Mind- Daniel Pink
6. Six Thinking Hats- Edward DeBono
7. Caffeine for the Creative Mind- Stefan Mamaw/Wendy Lee Oldfield
8. Creative Workshop- David Sherwin
1. Crucial Conversations- Patterson/Grenny/ McMillan/Switzler
2. Flow: The Psych. of Optimal Experience- Mihaly Csikszenthibalyl
3. Man And His Symbols- Edited by Carl Jung
4. The Hero With A Thousand Faces- Joseph Campbell
5. History Of Madness- Michael Foucault
6. Yes Factor- Tonya Reiman
7. The Power of Body Language- Tonya Reiman
8. What Everybody Is Saying- Joseph Navarro
9. Handwriting Analysis- Amend/Ruiz
10. Book Of Symbols- Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism
11. The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall
12. Writing Better Lyrics- Pat Pattison
13. Chia:Complete Guide to the Ultimate Superfood- Wayne Coates
14. Saints Preserved- Thomas Craughwell
15. Influence- Robert Cialdini
1. Synonym Finder- J. I. Rodale
2. American Heritage Dictionary Of Idioms
3. Thinkers Thesaurus- Peter E Meltzer
4. Variety of Slang/Jargon Dictionaries
5. Rhyming Dictionaries
6. Dictionary of Antonyms
7. Dictionary of Cliches
8. Fact On Files Dictionary Of Allusions
9. Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns & Goblins- Carol Rose
10. Giants, Monsters & Dragons- Carol Rose
11. Our Sunday Visitor Encyclopedia Of Saints
12. The Element Encyclopedia Dream Dictionary
13. 12, 000 Dreams Interpreted- Gustavus Miller
14. Dictionaries With Origins & Symbolism of/for Baby Names
15. Dictionary/Encyclopedias Of Mythology
16. The Element Encyclopedia Of Birthdays
17. The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies
18. Foreign Language Dictionaries
19. Individual Topical Dictionaries (Music, Mathematics, Science etc.)
20. Etymological Dictionary
This is a good list of Reference work. I highly recommend amassing as many as you can afford, find, and/or have the space for. Duplicates in the same areas are fine, as you'll notice that most provide alternate information which allows you the ability to create a fuller image for your research purposes. I could literally simply list all the reference books I have, but who really wants to read through a list of 100+ books that are basically, from what's not listed, duplicate dictionaries and individual Topical Dictionaries. Basic Tenet is if in doubt, check it out. But then I enjoy collecting Reference material, so perhaps all one needs is a Rhyming Dictionary, A Thesaurus and perhaps a Slang Dictionary, but in any case, this is a pretty detailed list.
Also, I chose against listing fiction and poetry books here. This is simply because classics are classics and most know one when they see/hear one and after that you're simply going off of preference and genre. Although I will say, I just now found out about Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and have read it numerous times since picking it up, and it's widely considered a classic, so just because something's a classic, don't overlook something for being "old", as in this particular case, I found much enlightenment throughout each reading and gather I'll find more each time I pick it up.
I'm always adding books to my library and when one warrants recommendation, I'll be sure to update the appropriate list given here.
I've either read and/or own almost any of the major craft books in regards to Writing Fiction, Poetry and Screenwriting and many others NF work in other disciplines, so, if a book is missing and you are interested in hearing something about it before you get it, I may be able to help out, so just drop me a comment or an email and I'll get back to you, hopefully with an opinion to help out.
4. Psychology Today
5. Wired
6. Random Art Magazines
7. Consumer Reports
8. Random Computing/Video Game Magazines
9. Random Food/Recipe/Cooking Related Magazines
10. Random Poetry Journals
Acting Books
1. No Acting Please- Eric Morris
2. Being & Doing- Eric Morris
3. Irreverent Acting- Eric Morris
4. Acting From the Ultimate Consciousness- Eric Morris
5. Acting, Imaging and the Unconscious- Eric Morris
6. Freeing The Actor- Eric Morris
7. An Actor Prepares- Constantin Stanislavski
8. Acting for the Camera- Tony Barr
9. The Power of the Actor- Ivana Chubbuck
10. A Vision of The Craft- Howard Fine
11. The Intent to Live- Larry Moss
12. The 8 Characters of Comedy- Scott Sedita (Screenwriting & Acting)
13. A Challenge for the Actor- Uta Hagen
14. Secrets From The Casting Couch- Nancy Bishop (+ Auditioning)
15. Actions, The Actors' Thesaurus- M. Caldarone/M. Lloyd-Williams
Acting (Movement, Voice, Craft, Breathing, Centering etc…)
1. Freeing The Natural Voice- Kristin Linklater
2. The Lucid Body- Fay Simpson
3. The Second Circle- Patsy Rodenburg
4. Awareness Through Movement- Moshe Feldenkrais
5. Movement For Actors- Edited by Nicole Potter
6. How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live- Missy Vineyard
Screenwriting Books
1. Story- Robert McKee
2. Save The Cat- Blake Snyder
3. Save The Cat Strikes Back- Blake Snyder
4. The Writer's Journey- Christopher Vogler
5. The Art Of Dramatic Writing- Lajos Egri
6. Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters- Michael Tierno
7. Psychology For Screenwriters- William Indick
8. Ride The Alligator- Pen Densham
9. My Story Can Beat Up Your Story- Jeffrey Alan Schechter
10. The Anatomy Of Story- John Truby
11. Writing Dialogue For Scripts- Rib Davis
12. Rewrite- Paul Chitlik
13. Screenwriting Tips: You Hack- Xander Bennett
14. Screenplay- Syd Field
15. Now Write- Edited by Sherry Ellis
16. Essentials of Screenwriting- Richard Walter
17. How to Build a Great Screenplay- David Howard
18. The Tools of Screenwriting- David Howard & Edward Mabley
19. Writing Screenplays That Sell- Michael Hauge
20. Screenplay Story Analysis- Asher Garfinkel- (Coverage)
Directing/Film Industry
1. Film Directors Intuition- Judith Weston
2. Directing Actors- Judith Weston
3. Directors Tell The Story- Bethany Rooney/Mary Lou Belli
4. Film Directing: Shot By Shot- Steven d. Katz
5. Movie Speak- Tony Bill (A Reference of Industry Jargon)
6. Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
1. Now Write: Fiction- Edited by Sherry Ellis
2. Now Write: Non-Fiction- Edited by Sherry Ellis
3. Now Write: Mysteries- Edited By Sherry Ellis
4. 20 Master Plots- Ronald Tobias
5. 45 Master Characters- Victoria Lynn Schmidt
6. Writer's Guide to Character Traits- Linda Edelstein
7. Elements of Style- Strunk & White
8. Naming the World- Edited by Brett Anthony Johnston
9. Self Editing For Fiction Writers- Renni Browne/Dave king
10. On Writing Well- William Zinsser
11. The Book of Poisons- S. Stevens/A. Bannon-(Writers Reference)
1. Thinkertoys- Michael Michalko
2. Disciplined Dreaming- Josh Linkner
3. The Creative Habit- Twyla Tharp
4. Your Creative Brain- Shelley Carson
5. A Whole New Mind- Daniel Pink
6. Six Thinking Hats- Edward DeBono
7. Caffeine for the Creative Mind- Stefan Mamaw/Wendy Lee Oldfield
8. Creative Workshop- David Sherwin
1. Crucial Conversations- Patterson/Grenny/ McMillan/Switzler
2. Flow: The Psych. of Optimal Experience- Mihaly Csikszenthibalyl
3. Man And His Symbols- Edited by Carl Jung
4. The Hero With A Thousand Faces- Joseph Campbell
5. History Of Madness- Michael Foucault
6. Yes Factor- Tonya Reiman
7. The Power of Body Language- Tonya Reiman
8. What Everybody Is Saying- Joseph Navarro
9. Handwriting Analysis- Amend/Ruiz
10. Book Of Symbols- Archive For Research In Archetypal Symbolism
11. The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall
12. Writing Better Lyrics- Pat Pattison
13. Chia:Complete Guide to the Ultimate Superfood- Wayne Coates
14. Saints Preserved- Thomas Craughwell
15. Influence- Robert Cialdini
1. Synonym Finder- J. I. Rodale
2. American Heritage Dictionary Of Idioms
3. Thinkers Thesaurus- Peter E Meltzer
4. Variety of Slang/Jargon Dictionaries
5. Rhyming Dictionaries
6. Dictionary of Antonyms
7. Dictionary of Cliches
8. Fact On Files Dictionary Of Allusions
9. Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns & Goblins- Carol Rose
10. Giants, Monsters & Dragons- Carol Rose
11. Our Sunday Visitor Encyclopedia Of Saints
12. The Element Encyclopedia Dream Dictionary
13. 12, 000 Dreams Interpreted- Gustavus Miller
14. Dictionaries With Origins & Symbolism of/for Baby Names
15. Dictionary/Encyclopedias Of Mythology
16. The Element Encyclopedia Of Birthdays
17. The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies
18. Foreign Language Dictionaries
19. Individual Topical Dictionaries (Music, Mathematics, Science etc.)
20. Etymological Dictionary
This is a good list of Reference work. I highly recommend amassing as many as you can afford, find, and/or have the space for. Duplicates in the same areas are fine, as you'll notice that most provide alternate information which allows you the ability to create a fuller image for your research purposes. I could literally simply list all the reference books I have, but who really wants to read through a list of 100+ books that are basically, from what's not listed, duplicate dictionaries and individual Topical Dictionaries. Basic Tenet is if in doubt, check it out. But then I enjoy collecting Reference material, so perhaps all one needs is a Rhyming Dictionary, A Thesaurus and perhaps a Slang Dictionary, but in any case, this is a pretty detailed list.
Also, I chose against listing fiction and poetry books here. This is simply because classics are classics and most know one when they see/hear one and after that you're simply going off of preference and genre. Although I will say, I just now found out about Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and have read it numerous times since picking it up, and it's widely considered a classic, so just because something's a classic, don't overlook something for being "old", as in this particular case, I found much enlightenment throughout each reading and gather I'll find more each time I pick it up.
I'm always adding books to my library and when one warrants recommendation, I'll be sure to update the appropriate list given here.
I've either read and/or own almost any of the major craft books in regards to Writing Fiction, Poetry and Screenwriting and many others NF work in other disciplines, so, if a book is missing and you are interested in hearing something about it before you get it, I may be able to help out, so just drop me a comment or an email and I'll get back to you, hopefully with an opinion to help out.
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