Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Something Like...

Starting fresh,
                Reset every failure, you’ve endured
                Ignore each temptation, which allures
                Slam shut all the doors that refuse to close
The past will never completely wash away from who you are,
The breadth is overtly familiar, complete recall of direct memory,
Tiny fibers replicate within the soul, promoting strength in palate,
And Diversity in scope,
Its tapestry enables the mind to reconfigure, reorganize, reproduce,
And repopulate images, from the most unlikely source,
                Wash away your walls of painted indecision
                Choose the path of most resistance,
                Ignore instruction altogether, and try that thing you’ve always needed to,
                Atoms bouncing up and down
                Jumping synapse from gap to gap
                Designing unique perspectives each half-life
Everything you ever earned, simple and trite,
Every lesson ever learned, inconsequential, neither wrong nor right,
Shapes and Image changing tint on cue, a reoccupation of a limited history,
Expanding everything you thought you ever knew,
Irrationality is universal, boundless and uncontained,
 Like love, unconditional, impossible to explain,
Improbability becomes your roadmap, spontaneity your guide

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