Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Bully

Diatribe forged
Forgotten in
Fundamental fashion

Knowledge learnt
best be disposed of
according to the warning
on the bottle it came in

Brickyard thumping
As the bully finds
conjugation reason enough
to berate you before his
congregation there

Sawdust tears stream
from beyond the blackish smog
turning on the brute
in a steal from you and give to me

But bloodied, broken and bruised
I can sit in this crimson pool
knowing that
you can't

I can smile those imperfect pearls
and watch as you strut the circle
Praying I stand back up
but I can smile still
in knowing
that you
will never

And when you flex your arms
Your body looks like a trident
yet you would never know
that Neptune
ruled the seas

and we're on land-
dry and barren

And I smile
For I understand

The body
wears down
much quicker
than the mind


  1. We have some many people trying to force their will on others...

  2. so you get the last laugh...but ugh...i hate bullies...i dont use that word much but i do...just reading your title clenched my fav lines...

    I can smile those imperfect pearls
    and watch as you strut the circle
    Praying I stand back up
    but I can smile still
    in knowing
    that you
    will never

  3. ..The body
    wears down
    much quicker
    than the mind.. dang love that ending..the son of a colleague at work had recently problems with classmates bullying and attacking him on his way to school.. a serious topic well approached fred

  4. Being having been both bullied and for a short time a bully in return, a bully is indeed someone who is weak and feels the desperate need to regain some sense of control and in doing so develop the taste for power over others. A choice that cycles back on itself. I love the end of it. I would still advise against smiling, because narrator may get his teeth knocked out. For the moment, it's more important to survive.

    The bully described in this poem has more male qualities -- beating someone up, being tough, the abuse is more physical; female bullies tend to act in gangs, and their abuse more psychological, e.g. pretending to be a friend while singling out one in the group for torture.

  5. Bullies always have to try and control because their brain took a stroll and they are nothing but weak minded people, or acting big and tough because that is what they've been taught. In which case the parent needs a smack upside the head. Liked the ending too, bullies usually get what comes due.
