Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Abstractly Resonant

A gaggle of swords
permeate the levels
of attestation

A gam of scathing
principals, first cast
unto virgin screens

Collections burn—
siring a filthy cacophony of
atmosphere, detailing
the siphoned realities
we are somehow
all too familiar with

For Open Link Night at D'Verse.  Head on over and fill up on the amazing poetry on display.  While there, share your own poetry with the wonderful poets that comprise the D'Verse poetic community


  1. It sounds like someone really tired of hearing and seeing the same old arguments and conflicts or announced convictions. I'm somewhat colored by something I read earlier somewhere else.

  2. great use of language sir...the gaggle, the gam...the allusions to actors in the principles first cast...siphoned realities we are all too familiar with, is a great turn of phrase...

  3. Intriguing abstract. I guess the challenge is to always be prepared. Keep it interesting too.

  4. Yeah breaking the virgin act on many a thing is a good thing to do, getting rid of such ocd things and fears on cue, rather than the familiar crap over and over again although that to is welcome sometimes at any den.

  5. Siphoned realities is a very cool phrase- many here--strong combinations. k.

  6. Well this is one of those abstracts that often mean many things, pulling into an abyss where nothingness and the reality of unmeaning often meet. Held together by sound, it has that musical quality that makes one remember hiw wirds and meaning are often more meaningfull by their sound than by any clear denotative meaning.

  7. Great title for this poem, Fred. I feel like pilfering some of the wonderful words you chose and yes, the sounds when read aloud do create resonance.
