Tuesday, May 29, 2012

(Sequentially formatted tiers) of Thematic Voiceovers

It's Tuesday, and in a little over an hour, Claudia will open the doors to the D'Verse pub, manning the taps all night long, listening to the tunes, err. poems that are linked for Open Link Night tonight.  So head on over, take in the poetry and share one of your own.  

Fallen from utopian pools of aquamarine
into the outstretched arms of hazel green

A society of drones,
cut in symmetrical frames,
out of identically chosen casts and molds

The skies bleed the Heavens of ethereality,
songs matriculate from summits to cirrus bands,
fortifying the oxygen with inorganically formed bass and treble led compositions of unidentifiable sounds

We then find ourselves unable
to deny, the automaton within
bones no longer our own.

These actions lay the groundwork
for what the soundtracks here


  1. this took me in different directions...the falling but then landing in outstretched arms, the bones no longer our own speaks of losing control and not exactly knowing where this soundtrack will take us...but who knows ever anyway..

  2. "A society of drones,
    cut in symmetrical frames,
    out of identically chosen casts and molds"

    "We then find ourselves unable
    to deny, the automaton within
    bones no longer our own."

    Definitely shows up the loss of control. Awesome write man ... love this piece.

  3. Exquisite diction mixed with stellar sci-fi storytelling, a winner!

  4. This is my first visit to your blog. I find your writing interesting and thought provoking.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  5. A society of drones... I think we'll become robotic humans before too much longer too. Our technology is becoming more and more a part of us and will soon be very much inside of us as we are fitted with bar codes and nano tech that does this and does that.
    Haven't seen a good movie in a while though :)

  6. ha. i like the turn to soundtracks there in the end...playing off the third stanza...a society of drones...not too far from our reality is it?

  7. Fred! My soundtrack plays loudest on Tuesdays :) So far, the real world demands are still allowing me this reprieve (but I still post early if I can...you never know!) Your first two lines absolutely grabbed me and carried me through to finish. Great phrasing, awesome images...like poetry in IMAX! Also big thanks for your comments on what has been...shall we say, a difficult week? IOU all so much for keeping me in it! Tonight, the drink's on me :)

  8. compositions of unidentifiable sounds ~ the process of song writing is fascinating to me, like writing a poem, its like someone is fishing the sea from me, and putting it on paper ~ enjoyed the read Fred ~

  9. Yeah and some just keep seeming to drone on too, but not you as you kicked it into high gear and delighted my little rhyming rear, such fun to see as the track went along without a skip or a jump and no repeat needed what so ever.

  10. We then find ourselves unable
    to deny, the automaton within
    bones no longer our own.

    i love the way this can be interpreted on so many levels, watching my parents have "parts" replaced, wondering where it will be in 20 more years. But then also, so much more behind these words... a great, intriguing write!

  11. We then find ourselves unable
    to deny, the automaton within
    bones no longer our own.

    this stanza creates a movie of its own fred...
    terminator - love tashs comment of poetry IMAX...

    the great thing about poetry and lit is that we gift
    3D or maybe 4 or 5 ... and this piece gave

    for sure!

    sights and sounds

    taking it to the MAX and then some...

    nice one Fred :D

  12. Reminds me a bit of the sentiment of A Brave New World. There's a robotic feel -- that worry are we just simply moving along without thought and have no real choice in where we are going anymore. It actually is rather horrifying to think that automation is in one's bones, so ingrained as that.

    Great write, Fred. :)

  13. automation in our bones...nice!

  14. 'the automaton in bones no longer our own..." I was going to cite the first lines as my faves till I got to that one. Steampunk flavor to this, Fred, masterfully done. I also like the straightforward way it marches through its marshalled images and slaps you one upside the head. (Sorry to be so late commenting, power was iffy last night and more storms today.)

  15. As someone else said "very kewl"
