Tuesday, February 7, 2012

On Bated Wings/ Et adhuc

On bated wings,

Garlicky stressed
Freckled toxicant

Intension’s flushed

By the spiny rose
Of latent ken
Cloven pungency
Infiltrates the aria

Unaccompanied tearstains
Bled to extinction,

A condemnation,
Not un-similar to

The last words Italicized
By that of Umbrian tongue

*Et adhuc,
 Canticum exultat

**Quam potest hoc esse?

It's another Tuesday and another Open Link Night.  Head on over to D'Verse for a great selection of poetry for your reading pleasure.  And while you're there, link up a poem of your own for others to enjoy.  See you at the pub.

For those who'd like to know what the Latin phrases mean in English, I've listed the translations below.

*And still,
  A song of joy

** How can this be?


  1. No idea how this can be, but your word combination sure brought glee. Freckled toxicant could be a whole post in and of itself. Hmmm might be an idea for my shelf..haha The cat doesn't speak latin either. So good translation or the cat would be lost. A movie title in there somewhere.

  2. love that you wove in some latin..and love that you gave us the translation as well...i've learned latin from the asterix and obelix comics..so it doesn't get me very far...smiles.... esp. liked..

    A condemnation,
    Not un-similar to

    The last words Italicized
    By that of Umbrian tongue...

  3. Reminded me of vampires. I like garlic (in moderation) lol like bats too, just don't want any trying to drink my blood.
    Lovely piece.

  4. Nice, erudite twists of words and phrase here, Fred. Latin tags ask the eternal questions--esp like 'cloven pungency' beneath the semi-colon.

  5. your lines carry a lot of grit and then in the end you still find room for joy...and to me that is a beautiful thing fred...nice...and i like the use of latin too...

  6. So much to like here. Very unique word choices, and very expertly deployed.

    It's just real good. A most enjoyable read.

  7. You sure have a way with words...I think beauty is indescribable. I appreciate the translated words ~

  8. I loved how you put this together and it hangs together well --Lovely piece!


  9. "By the spiny rose
    Of latent ken"

    Damn, that is COOL!

  10. this is cool fred - your shorter writes have a lot of impact - ive got to admit 'unsimiliar' caught me out, so i've learnt something to lol - i'm always partial to a bit of latin too - all the best bro

  11. Bat-ed wings, garlicky stressed, and bled to extinction..... I thought I had enterred Brahm Stoker's world for a moment.... but yes, certainly a joyous song in spite of it....!

  12. Unaccompanied tearstains/ bled to extinction.

    The mystery posed by combining the words, like a surreal conjunction of dissimilarities screaming for similitude, that is what poetry is about. Thruout you've challenged us to pull meaning from wordplay and difficult ruptures of meaning, bringing us to realize the power of language to make us make it make meaning.

  13. A condemnation,
    Not un-similar to

    The last words Italicized
    By that of Umbrian tongue

    stunning words ~ Rose
