Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Coffee Shop- The All Is Lost Moment

Months had lapsed
Since last I sipped
That special tea,
Yet each day on
Return I would,
For another chance at sight

 And so the day would then come
Where between the wiping down
Of empty tables and the trivial
Courtesies shared, between waitresses
And the occasional “refill” directed at you
Alive lit the double glass
A rainbow was there to pass
Gleaming colors would abound
Time did then stop; I heard not a sound
As she skipped the crowded street before me there

Twenty to the table placed,
For about six dollars worth of grub-
A small tip to pay for a chance at love,

And to the door, rush did I,
Out the jingle, jangle of storefront bell
To the street I’ve come to know so well
Out there, amongst the sea of autonomy,
Eclipsed my eyes did she, the epitome of
Everything I would wish in life

I rushed through suits as fast I could
Wiggling past the swinging purses and
The clapping of canes, to her side I sped
So brave

And there she was; and there I stood
My throat had cleared; the speech prepared
For months on end, itching for its time,
It was now here; it was past due
         When then he came beside her
         With slowing pace I began to lag
         Thinking positive thoughts, just
         To stay in the right frame, brother,
         Cousin, coworker, friend, anything, any message other than
         What that embrace a moment later would there send.

1 comment:

  1. No sense in waiting is what I say. I'd rather be told a million times no then sit there and never know or lose a chance. Making up excuse after excuse can only go so far, but then nuts abound at my bar..haha
