Friday, August 3, 2012

Descendants of Moreau

…and the aroma dangles in the air
Slowly sifting attention away
From all that is and will surely be to come
Armbands are snipped, calling forth the next in line

Slowly sifting attention away
From the Fibonacci sequencing at hand
Armbands are snipped, calling forth the next in line
Collapsing, when confronted by the red ghost behind the door

From the Fibonacci sequencing at hand
Perils form in the mixed metaphors that are tears
Collapsing, when confronted by the red ghost behind the door
Etching rivers unto thighs—for fear’s signature cannot be forged

Perils form in the mixed metaphors that are tears
Rancor amongst pretentious veils, falsely uncovering discoveries felt
Etching rivers unto thighs-for fear’s signature cannot be forged
Ominously carving variety unto allele’s unseen

Rancor amongst pretentious veils, falsely uncovering discoveries felt
In the name of Science, detestable explorations commence
Ominously carving variety unto allele’s unseen
Under the direction of men who truly believe themselves Gods

In the name of Science, detestable explorations commence
From all that is and will surely be to come
Under the direction of men who truly believe themselves Gods,
…and the aroma dangles in the air

For Sam Peralta's Form-For-All Pantoum prompt over at D'Verse.  Stop on over to D'Verse and make sure you read Sam's excellent write up regarding this form.  It's one of my favorite forms and I think you'll find it both challenging and exhilarating to compose.  Check out what the poets have created in their Pantoums and while at D'Verse, think about creating and sharing a Pantoum of your own, as there's still time to get your poem linked up with the others.  Cheers


  1. heck...there are too many men who truly believe themselves Gods... not familiar with these two guys but think i don't wanna get familiar with them..ha...tight write fred and great work on the form

  2. oh some great word choice here...rancor is a cool word...the etching rivers unto thighs...some scary themes...some things we should not mess with you know...i love starting with an elipse as well denoting something before...

  3. Ahh, what a topic! The form allows you to drill in your outrage on top of crystal images of the outrage's cause. Powerful story leading to poowerful end, here to the bad bad smell.

    "Rancor amongst pretentious veils, falsely uncovering discoveries felt
    In the name of Science, detestable explorations commence
    Ominously carving variety unto allele’s unseen
    Under the direction of men who truly believe themselves Gods"

  4. Yeah men believe themselves to be gods or at least able to do things above all because they want to leave a mark or are destined or some crap. Many even buy into their little made up world too, oh so sad.

  5. Social commentary in a pantoum! Besides the exploration of powerful phrasing, I appreciate the way you slowly build the line-lengths of the refrains as you progress through the pantoum. This excellent device allows you to build a more and more powerful voice with each strident refrain.
