Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sashay (Suburban Slake)

Sashay to chasse
the heel’s followed close
by feet that flow—
so smooth, it seems
as if the toes really do

Antigone, a girl,
condemned to death
in a tragic display,
the edict of a king, which
forbid the flames to encompass
the air, avoiding the traditional
sense of burial…

Toggled in immaterial surrounds—
you peer the sky for answers found,
and while minutes fleece the glass it’s
sand, down stream tears to salten your
already softened cheeks—twas when hazed
eyes did glimmer, a reflection of a sinner—daft
as the street kids would call, scaling long the rails
beside that radiating hall…

In seconds sweetly tripping breath, your blood curdled
but not cold—for destiny had, in such a somber sequence
of might, may have offered you a second chance—as here the glass
of emptiness wince would not, and there, the ledge unseen
appeared as clear as dry your voice had been…and sidling
across you’re form inched slow, until opened a concealing grate, where frame and pane connect, but are not the same, but enough is much for foot to foot to enter most forward
of arch to heel, and into safety’s unsure blanket once more…revealed

First you drank your thirst aright, and then…then
you joined your truth there at dawn
after sashaying deep
until the night
was all but 


  1. where frame and pane connect, but are not the same, but enough is much for foot to foot to enter most forward
    of arch to heel, and into safety’s unsure blanket once more…revealed...nice...really like this part fred...especially the potential for double play with pane and pain....and the new meaning that brings...

  2. Such vivid imagery you use today, like how you used the body of foot to foot and connected the heel too and to the cheeks, all as a person resides in themself looking in.
