Friday, February 1, 2013

Photosynthetic, a Ghazal

I am born from this earth.  Seed, soil, roots and leaves
I sprawl in the sun’s light.  I cry each time it leaves.

I forgive the darkness. Knowing, morning will come.
I kneel before the sky. Basking, in all God leaves

I grow weak as time wears.  Quickly, I outgrow my bed.
I extend limbs outward.  Stretching as tension leaves.

I expand, inch by inch. To the sun, wide I yawn.
I expel precious breath. To the air, my best leaves.

I wake to refreshed air. Today brings tomorrow.
I harness moisture’s beads. Dewdrops caress my leaves.

I share all that I may. Aware, that love remains.
I weep tears of pure joy. They glisten on my leaves.

I dream within my bed. A cycle without end
I watch as the stars shine. Changing, as evening leaves

I have all I should need. I ask for nothing more.
I am blessed and prepared. In me, love sprouts new leaves.

Over at D'Verse, Sam Peralta is tending the bar for this week's Form-For-All.  This time we're writing Ghazals.  Stop on by and read Sam's excellent introduction, where he'll explain the ins and outs of this truly beautiful form.  I'm pretty sure you'll find some inspiration to try your hand at one and once you do, be sure to link it up with all the other excellent responses from the poets of D'Verse.


  1. Your radif
    is a leaf
    but where is your Kaafiyaa
    Oh how I longed to see her

    Though shers survives
    but without her rhymes

    You quickly snuck in the Divine
    while you soaked in the wine
    and pen this scientific Ghazal
    More full of I's than the lover.

    Fun read, Fred !

  2. some really cool lines in this...the second stanza is pure man, i like...the today brings tomorrow stanza as well with the dew...very cool ghazal man...

  3. All very elegantly put ... at home in the universe ... well done! :)

  4. I enjoyed this, Fred. You used so many meanings of the word leaves. My favorite stanza is

    I wake to refreshed air. Today brings tomorrow.
    I harness moisture’s beads. Dewdrops caress my leaves.

    You write the ghazal form very well.

  5. loved the passion in this piece... read aloud it;'s beautiful... between the lines of nature I see so much more

  6. yay for trees. aren't they beautiful. enjoyed your poem

  7. This cries out to be heard.
    Any chance?

  8. Love it - a tree ghazal :-) Very clever, Fred.

  9. I really like this, it had a hypnotic effect when I read it, like a prayer. A minor suggestion: I think it would be more powerful if you removed the "I" before most of the lines; i.e., "Dream within my bed," "Watch as the stars shine," "Have all I should need."

  10. This is beautiful Fred ~ I am blown away by the message and the form ~ I love the cycle of nature with the leaves, ending with the couplet on being reborn ~

    Cheers ~

  11. Very pretty poem, Fred. You use "leaves" in a multi-dimensional way - homophonic! Works well. k.

  12. Just enjoying the life around, can be profound just to have a glance, and follow along with lifes dance.

  13. This is a really beautiful poem. We are all born to love. :)

  14. I like your varying use if the word 'leaves' in every stanza. Clever

  15. So cool, you have different meanings for the end word, like that. Thanks!

  16. You grab the reader by the lapels with your title. That was excellent preparation for the refrain and theme of growth and a joy in life, winding its way through this poem like an elegant wreath.

  17. Both serene and powerful, Fred. The message is timeless and transcendent. Great piece. :)

  18. Oh I love the metaphor and how you have the reader guessing ... beautifully written

  19. there is something very serene about this piece; I too felt the tension leave and the yawn, but I think the last has more to do with the hour. you have definitely imposed some beautiful and unique images.

  20. A beautiful serenity and resignation about this one.Gorgeous poem.

  21. very uplifting and optimistic affirmation of a poem!!

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