Sunday, January 20, 2013

Excerpts from the Lost Journal of a Multi-Lingual Sojourner

The following excerpts have recently been found.  They notate several villages throughout Europe and the unearthly infestation of demonic creatures that had threatened their very existence at some point in history.

These excerpts are all taken from the lost journal of a multi-lingual nomadic traveller, a sojourner, who was known to pass through Europe, never staying too long in any one village or town.  Yet despite his limited acquaintances with the villagers, legend tells of this journeyman.  He is spoken of in many of the lost myths and was said to wield extraordinary levels of respect in every place he settled in.

Throughout these journeys, this sojourner, chronicles were said to have been taken, documenting the widespread terror these demonic creatures had brought upon each village.  The chronicles were also cited as holding the key to how these beasts were vanquished back to hell.  

The dates are blurred and the pages have broken loose from their binding.  Therefore, there is no possible way to determine how each of these entries would fit chronologically:

Page 1:  Visitation to Small Swedish Village

Dessa utlänningar var ingenting annat än utomstående själva. De var utstötta av en anledning, aldrig jagar på desperation i luften. Ändå är direkt ses som frälsare, lovar att vara redskap för förändring. De hänvisar till de gamla texterna, syftade till att tiden för profetian är nära. Men varje bevisade att de var något annat än välklädda charlataner.

Rough Translation:

These foreigners were nothing more than outsiders themselves.  They were outcasts for a reason, ever preying upon the desperation in the air. Yet they’re instantly viewed as saviors, promising to be instruments of change. They refer to the ancient texts, alluding that the time of the prophecy is near.  But each proved that they were nothing more than well-dressed charlatans.


Page 2: Visitation to Small German Village

Sie polarisieren die Menschen mit Ihren Rhythmus und Anmeldeinformationen. Ich wünschte, ich könnte glauben. Ich weiß wirklich, aber ich habe gesehen, zu viele Magier Flanieren durch diese Straßen vor. Jeder bot ein Versprechen der Hoffnung. Jeder hatte seine Zauber vorbereitet. Sie alle eingegebenen in großen Prozession. Doch sobald sie realisiert, dass die Bedrohung real war, jeder zog sich so schnell wie sie erschienen. Ich bete Sie beweisen, sich selbst von denen, die vor gekommen bin und ewig wird eine Zeit der Anbetung sein.

Rough Translation: 

You polarize the people with your cadence and credentials. I wish I could believe.  I really do, but I’ve seen too many magicians stroll through these streets before.  Each one offered a promise of hope. Each had his spells prepared.  They all entered in grand procession.  Yet once they realized that the threat was real, each retreated as quickly as they appeared. I pray you prove yourself different from those who’ve come before and forever shall be a time of adoration.


Page 3: Visitation to Small French Village

Les bêtes sont habituels. Nous avons appris à vivre notre vie en conséquence. Ils ne se lèvent avant le coucher du soleil. Par conséquent, les jours sont les nôtres. Puis un jour près le repas du soir, leur surface cris, l'émission d'avertissement juste de chacun et de tous. Ils n'ont jamais pénétré dans nos logements. Nous ne savons pas si ce n'est par un code ou quelque chose qu'ils ont tout simplement jamais essayé avant. C'est pourquoi nous blottir près, en s'assurant de garder les feux arrosés.

Rough Translation:

The beasts are habitual.  We have learned to live our lives accordingly.  They never rise before sunset. Therefore the days are our own.  Then sometime near the evening meal, their screams surface, issuing fair warning to each and all.  They have never entered our dwellings.  We are unsure if this is by code or something they’ve simply never tried before.  Hence we huddle close, making sure to keep the fires doused. 


Page 4: Visitation to Small Portuguese Village

Então, o mágico, eu rezo para que você é o único predisse a profecia. No entanto, me perdoe se eu vacilar. Você não fez nada para ganhar minha confiança. Mas peço-vos que a varinha de onda forte e rápido, como estamos em suas mãos esta noite e além. Se você é capaz de prevalecer, então talvez se alegrar vai encontrar o seu caminho de casa.

Rough Translation:

So, magician, I pray you are the one foretold of in the prophecy. Yet forgive me if I waver.  You have not done anything to win my trust.  But I pray you wave that wand strong and quick, as we are in your hands tonight and beyond.  If you are able to prevail, then perhaps rejoice will find its way home.


These chronicles are also cited in several antiquated collections of myths, as bearing the key as to how these beasts were vanquished back to hell.  These pages were said to be the most important documents ever crafted and would be shared amongst all towns and villages throughout all the land.  Should the demons return, with these pages, the villagers will be prepared and equipped to vanquish the beasts once more.

Unfortunately, this four entries were all that remained.  It is said, in the staid of those key pages, each village turned to their individual religions and found belief through prayer. 

This piece was inspired after reading all the wonderful responses to my article regarding Poetry and Foreign Languages, present to D'Verse for the 1/20/13 Poetics.


  1. this is really interesting ~ i wish we knew more!

    thanks for such an unusual and fun prompt!

  2. oh compelling a the texture you gave it of journal entries which adds a bit of magic to me as it...very cool bit of short story man...

  3. Very interesting trip through time. Wonder if any of it was remotely true? Be kind of scary if so. But then prob just some aliens pretending to be demons or something to take over haha

  4. Very intriguing Fred... looks like the beginning of a novel or screenplay here.... just sayin'... I love the languages device and the go-between of the Sojourner character. You could do tons with this...
