Monday, July 23, 2012

Pine Box

Sleeping in a pine box
thinking about the other day
sleeping in a pine box
dreaming that this time
it’ll all turn out some other way

It’s sad how fast we deteriorate
breaking free, rotting unto the lost domains
unprepared for what will be claimed
we grow resigned in the mannerisms of loneliness and loss
where stagnating shards fragment and shape our future plots

Sleeping in a pine box
thinking about the others
sleeping in a pine box
all the father’s, daughters, sons and mothers

It’s amazing how things often come down
to the number of correct decisions we make,
the one’s we never would have made
if not for one mistake, often an accidental turn
we, at the time, deemed to be entirely incorrect

And we never would have had the opportunities
to live and to love, to bleed and to sweat
all those intangible emotions that
would not be available now, or
would not be available in the innumerable futures yet to come

But the erroneous turn we did commit
and the flaw will forever be remembered
when necessary, for sensorial exhumation

Sleeping in a pine box
thinking about the other day
sleeping in a pine box
eyes closed yet open, wide as they’ve ever stayed

And in these containers
we hold our cherished mistakes
as one would keepsake any artifact
that holds close the unmeasured meanings
ever available for conjuring crucial memories lost but never forgotten…in a pine box


  1. Yeah everything remains when the pine box comes and life is what we left behind. Although for me I'll be burnt and used as kitty litter, no pine box what so ever, I may end up in a pringle can though, that just be a cardboard box hahaha great lyrical job to the verse too.

  2. i agree that life in many ways comes down to the small decisions we make...we dont think like that in the moment but often find they catch up with us...and interesting texture with the sleeping in the pine box...rather haunting actually...

  3. This is incredible, you've been hitting them out of the park lately. I've been thinking about you, are you feeling any better? I missed you at OLN, hope you are well :).

    1. Thanks Anna.

      Had a couple of rough weeks. Same old, same old reasons. Just trying to fight through it. Really appreciate the concern. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove sooner then later. Thanks again

  4. hey man had not seen you drop something new or come by in a couple days...thought i would pop in and check on you...

    1. Thanks Brian,

      Yeah, I've been having a whole bunch of issues my way, fighting through some stuff, trying to get sleep schedule back in place, it's either been no sleep or 18 hours a day, not really a stranger to the longer sleeping but the being wide awake while your mind knows it's only slept 4 hours all week, that's kinda weird. But yeah, unfortunately making it to the computer's been a task. Luckily I did get some writing done though, just a matter of finding the time to transfer it from notepad to computer now. Appreciate the concern, hopefully I'll things squared up, as I've missed posting and checking the poetry sites out. Thanks again
